EcoAko is a series of in-school workshops that combine environmental science and the creative arts. Ako, in te reo Māori, means both to teach and to learn. Through EcoAko, we are teaching young people about ocean science while learning from the artworks that they produce. Artworks created in our workshops will form the Eco Ako anthology which we hope will spark intergenerational conversations about ocean issues.
EcoAko operates across New Zealand and Australia at no cost to schools. This is made possible with the support of National Geographic. We run workshops for groups of approximately 30 students and can run multiple workshops within a school.
Are you interested in hosting EcoAko at your school? Please get in touch by emailing
Meet the Team

Liadan Dickie
Kia ora, I’m Liadan. I study biology and environmental science at the University of Canterbury. In my spare time I enjoy rock climbing, tramping, trail running, and all things outdoors. I’m a passionate nature-enthusiast and you’ll often find me geeking out over a cool slime mould, fungus, or any other unusual critter. My love of the natural world has fuelled a desire to protect and restore it, so you’re also likely to run into me at tree plantings and working bees at local parks and reserves.

E Wen Wong
Kia ora, I’m E Wen. I am an environmental poet, National Geographic Young Explorer, and the founder of Plastic Solution for Our Beaches. I work with Geographic Information Systems in the renewable energy sector and have had poems featured in various anthologies, newspapers, buses, and airports. I grew up in Christchurch and am now studying law and science at the Australian National University. To wind down, I enjoy trail running, writing, and playing the oboe.

Éliece Button
I’m a sculptor interested in finding connections between humans and nature, and making us more aware of the earth beneath our feet through my art practice. Our oceans and environment are gorgeous, and I find growing an appreciation of them in our youth incredibly rewarding.

Juliette Lidgard
Hi! My name is Juliette Lidgard. I am currently in my third year of University here in Dunedin completing a conjoint degree of Law and Arts. I am particularly passionate about both the Arts and the environment, and I hope one day for this to direct my career path towards environmental law. I am excited to take part in this inspiring programme and hopefully encourage young minds to care for and protect the environment.
Loredana Podolska-Kint
Tauranga / Whāngarei